RiseUP Stars offers three
different programs to meet
the developmental needs of
children aged 2-15. See
below to find the program
that is right for your child.
different programs to meet
the developmental needs of
children aged 2-15. See
below to find the program
that is right for your child.

RiseUP Stars Mini is an energetic program that
introduces children to the fundamental principles of
various sports games, dancing, yoga.
Thanks to fun games, songs and positive reinforcement,
children will begin to experience joy and be active.
introduces children to the fundamental principles of
various sports games, dancing, yoga.
Thanks to fun games, songs and positive reinforcement,
children will begin to experience joy and be active.
3 TO 12 YEAR OLDS (PreK-5 grades)
RiseUP Stars Classic uses imaginative creative
games to focus on the basic skills of sports,
dancing and yoga.
In each lesson, we also emphasize positive
character traits such as respect, teamwork and
games to focus on the basic skills of sports,
dancing and yoga.
In each lesson, we also emphasize positive
character traits such as respect, teamwork and

13 TO 15 YEAR OLDS (6-8 grades)
RiseUP Stars Premier focuses on individual skill, fitness
and athletic prowess, giving children the opportunity to
test themselves in competitions and team interaction.
Children will also be introduced to the competitions
corresponding to their level.
and athletic prowess, giving children the opportunity to
test themselves in competitions and team interaction.
Children will also be introduced to the competitions
corresponding to their level.
Inspiring future generations to stay
active and empowering children to
thrive through Sports, Dance, Yoga
and Movement
active and empowering children to
thrive through Sports, Dance, Yoga
and Movement
Inspiring future generations to
stay active and empowering
children to thrive through Sports,
Dance, Yoga and Movement
stay active and empowering
children to thrive through Sports,
Dance, Yoga and Movement
call us, we are working
call us, we are working